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Home / News / Welcome to the ScanVir2019 Meeting!

Welcome to the ScanVir2019 Meeting!

Välkommen! Velkommen! Velkomin! Tervetuloa!

1st Scandinavian Virology Meeting – ScanVir, which will be held in Turku, Finland on 3-5 June 2019. This triennial event organized each time in another Scandinavian country creates a new and fascinating meeting point for Scandinavian virologists.

The conference venues are the recently renovated Turku City Theatre and the Radisson Blu Marina Palace Hotel by the river Aura in the heart of the City of Turku. Exhibitions are in Radisson hotel.


Talk to our Sales Manager Europe Dr. Jens Dannenberg and our Sales Manager Eastern Europe & Middle East Gregor Bochenek on the booth.
