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Home / News / Real-Time Efficiency in Detecting Emerging and Tropical Pathogens

Real-Time Efficiency in Detecting Emerging and Tropical Pathogens

Worldwide travel activities and climate change contribute to changes in the geographical distribution of tropical viruses and pathogens, as well as their transmission vectors. Reliable diagnosis is a key factor for patient management but also for surveillance, prevention and preparedness.


The RealStar® Emerging and Tropical Disease Testing Panel allows, due to the use of one universal Internal Control and the harmonized (RT-) PCR temperature profile for DNA respectively RNA targets, the parallel detection of different viruses and pathogens in a single run. In addition, the composition of the RealStar® Emerging and Tropical Disease Testing Panel facilitates a flexible combination of the assays which makes it a powerful differential diagnosis tool.


The RealStar® Emerging and Tropical Disease Testing Panel offers a comprehensive list of assays for the detection of tropical and emerging pathogens. All assays are developed and validated to be used on a wide range of real-time PCR cyclers.


For more information about these RealStar® products please download the flyer below.