ICREID – International Conference on Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases 2020
18 – 20 March 2020
African Union Conference Hall | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
The International Conference on Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases is a global platform that will bring together experts from around the world involved in emerging diseases in an interactive conference setting.
In consequence of COVID-19 conference is postponed to October 2020
14. Österreichischer Infektionskongress
25.-28. March 2020
Hotel Gut Brandlhof |Hohlwegen 4 | 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer | Austria
Der Vorstand der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Infektionskrankheiten und Tropenmedizin lädt ganz herzlich zum 14. Österreichischen Infektionskongress ein. Für 2020 lautet das Generalthema „Leitlinien und Kontroversen”.
Meeting is canceled in consequence of COVID-19 outbreak!
30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology – GfV
25-27 March 2020
Henry Ford Building | Freie Universität Berlin | Garystraße 35 |14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Germany
Attention: This year the conference starts already on Wednesday morning and ends on Friday evening. Afterwards, the social evening will take place in the Hofbräuhaus on Friday evening as well. On Saturday there will be the possibility for a sightseeing tour through Berlin.
Meeting is canceled in consequence of COVID-19 outbreak!
Scientific Spring Meeting of the two Dutch Microbiological Societies (NVMM & KNVM)
31 March – 01 April 2020
Papendal Hotel and Conference Centre | Papendallaan 3 | 6816 VD ARNHEM | The Netherland
In 2020, The Scientific Spring Meeting of the two Dutch Microbiological Societies (NVMM & KNVM) will be held on March 31th and April 1st in Papendal. All information about this meeting is available via: https://congresscompany.eventsair.com/cmspreview/knvm-nvmm-2020/
Meeting is canceled in consequence of COVID-19 outbreak!
altona Diagnostics GmbH
Mörkenstr. 12
22767 Hamburg, Germany